Chris Donovan

Chris Donovan worked for years as a telephone repairman, but filled spare moments (and notebooks) with an interest that had been with him since childhood – designing women’s shoes. Following a cancer scare that inspired him to chase his dreams, Chris put his best foot forward and launched himself into the world of shoe design. He hopes his creations will inspire others to pursue their dreams as well. #liveyourbestlife @chrisdonovanfootwear

If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at

Joan Lunden

Joan Lunden happened across the world of television, where a job as a weather girl in the 1970s quickly led her to more than 40 years on national news, including as co-host of Good Morning America. A celebrated broadcaster, author, advocate, motivational speaker and self-described “eternal optimist,” Joan has transformed herself over the course of her career.

Spend some time with Joan as we discuss her life and her latest book in a conversation about aging well and gracefully. #liveyourbestlife

If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at

Lee Rhodes

What started as community support during her third round of cancer treatments, grew into a company built with the hope of supporting the basic needs of fellow cancer patients. Meet Lee Rhodes, founder of Glassybaby. From small beginnings, Lee’s company was propelled forward after her glass votive candles caught the eye of Martha Stewart. 19 years later, Glassbaby has donated more than $10.5 million to the Glassybaby WhiteLight Fund as they strive to support organizations that help with healing. #liveyourbestlife

If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at

Don Yaeger

“Always try to find one question that will make you better.” Don Yaeger’s father told him.

And so he did. Over the course of his career as a journalist for Sports Illustrated, Don asked one question of everyone he interviewed, approximately 2,500 times.

Don transformed his life through storytelling, moving from journalist, to best-selling author, and now to motivational speaker. Join us for his story and his take on the sports world in the midst of COVID-19. #liveyourbestlife @donyaeger

If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at