Stephanie Carter

She turned 50 – “halftime” as Stephanie Carter likes to think of it – and a turning point in her life. Stephanie left a successful 25 year career in private growth equity to launch a startup. The Verse Media brought her back to the basics, learning the systems upon which her business would thrive. Now at its one year anniversary, The Verse Media provides content tailored to others in their “next half,” helping them to seize opportunities and to never stop exploring.   

If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at

To join our mailing list and never miss any of Liz’s stories, tips and techniques, click here.

Liz Walker

From Boston news anchor to ordained minister, Reverend Liz Walker has followed “the breadcrumbs of the universe,” as she puts it, which have led her through the chapters of her life. Drawn to humanitarianism while traveling with an aid group in Sudan, Liz attended the Harvard Divinity School, choosing to become a minister.

Joining the COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group in Boston at the request of Governor Baker, Liz reflects that “I can think of nothing, nothing more rewarding, than being a part of rebuilding our country after this devastating pandemic that has hit us all.”

You can hear Rev. Liz Walker preach at


If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at

To join our mailing list and never miss any of Liz’s stories, tips and techniques, click here.

Kim Gedney

The phone rang and rang. The same number was calling again! Finally, Kim answered and that call not only saved her life, but set her on an unexpected path. Meet Kim Gedney, psychic medium, who believes that we all have something to give to the world.

“Spirit often reminds me,” Kim says, “that two halves make a whole. Unless we have felt sadness and grief and sorrow and pain, we wouldn’t experience happiness and joy and love.” Tune in to hear her journey to discovering her psychic gift and for her insight into what we all need going into 2021.  #liveyourbestlife   

If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at

To join our mailing list and never miss any of Liz’s stories, tips and techniques, click here.