Petra Kolber

Meet Petra Kolber, self-proclaimed recovering perfectionist. When debilitating panic attacks overtook this internationally known fitness expert, Petra made space for them and, in so doing, took back control. Now a certified positive mindset coach, Petra says: “‘What you don’t own will own you.’ So if you try and condense anything — fear, anxiety, whatever — it actually gives it more power.” Listen in and learn how Petra took back control of her life and how she is helping others do the same.


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Nicole Sahin

A love of travel and meeting people around the world led Nicole Sahin to launch her own business, Globalization Partners, which helps organizations break through the red tape to hire people in other countries. Nicole has also co-founded a school in rural Cambodia and sits on the board of School The World in Guatemala. A champion for women’s empowerment, diversity and building community around the world, Nicole says that “What we often say at the business is, we’re not just breaking down barriers to global business; we’re breaking down barriers between people.”  #liveyourbestlife

If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at