Jamie Hess

In her early 20s, Jamie Hess was a PR hotshot climbing the ladder of success and living the glamorous high life in New York City. To the outside world, it looked like she had it all together. But on the inside, fearing she could never live up to her perfect trailblazing television mom, Joan Lunden, she held a secret. She was a high functioning cocaine addict, barely able to keep her head above water.

“…I do believe in making your mess, your message. And that’s really why I’ve taken this on as my journey…And so all of that said, when I did get sober… just like anything, you’ve got to keep practicing until you get good at it…”

Jamie has transformed her life and she is helping others do the same at meetjamiehess.com

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Have a guest idea or want to learn more about Brunner Communications? Contact us at info@LizBrunner.com
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Twitter: @lizbrunner
Instagram: @lizbrunner
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Bradley Rapier

More than 20 years ago, Bradley Rapier walked away from pursuing a career in medicine and pioneered a movement in Los Angeles that rocked the dance community, and changed the landscape of hip hop on film and live TV. Today, as a world renowned choreographer, producer and speaker, he is showing people how to groove beyond the obstacles of life and embody the endless creativity, joy and power of the urban dance movement.

“…It was really amazing…this pursuit of the culture, of street dance culture, that…grew into a movement [and] created The Groovaloos as a part of that…the excitement that people had for this new thing that we’re bringing together, in terms of a celebration of the freestyle celebration of the art form…”

Meet Bradley and learn more about his work at bradleyrapier.com.

Be the first to know of new episodes by subscribing to this show on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. And, if you enjoy this episode or any previous episodes, be sure to give us a star rating and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.

Have a guest idea or want to learn more about Brunner Communications? Contact us at info@LizBrunner.com
For more:
Twitter: @lizbrunner
Instagram: @lizbrunner
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John Sorgini

In full transparency, I’m not a whiskey drinker, nor am I an expert on such spirits. But John Sorgini’s story from my one-time corporate lawyer to retired Air Force Colonel to spirit entrepreneur has me intrigued. He’s created many career chapters for himself, and they are deeply rooted in his passion and commitment to integrity, and the endless search for excellence.

“…You know, I thought about this for years. I visited other distilleries and I went to Bourbon school, tried to learn some things about it, and put all those pieces together…I knew I wanted  to make something, rather than a service…I looked into it for so long, my wife was, like, either do it or stop talking about it. And we just decided to do it…”

Meet John and Chattermark Distillers at chattermarkdistillers.com

Be the first to know of new episodes by subscribing to this show on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. And, if you enjoy this episode or any previous episodes, be sure to give us a star rating and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Have a guest idea or want to learn more about Brunner Communications? Contact us at info@LizBrunner.com
For more:
Twitter: @lizbrunner
Instagram: @lizbrunner
#liveyourbestlifepodcast #liveyourbestlifewithlizbrunner https://lizbrunner.com/live-your-best-life/

Donna Martin

It may have taken Donna Martin 30 years to make the huge decision to leave her corporate job as a chemist and follow her passion, but she did it. In her words, she went from working the dream to living the dream as the owner of the Mill River Winery.

“Winemaking is a combination of wine, science, and love to make good wine…As you go through your life…your priorities kind of change and my career…the love of chemistry and the science that I had, [I] really took a step back…I had to look at my life balance…But in that time, I was able to navigate a way that I could pursue…a second career that included my passion…”

You can meet Donna and her dream, Mill River Winery, at millriverwines.com

Be the first to know of new episodes by subscribing to this show on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. And, if you enjoy this episode or any previous episodes, be sure to give us a star rating and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Have a guest idea or want to learn more about Brunner Communications? Contact us at info@LizBrunner.com
For more:
Twitter: @lizbrunner
Instagram: @lizbrunner
#liveyourbestlifepodcast #liveyourbestlifewithlizbrunner https://lizbrunner.com/live-your-best-life/

Jack Lepiarz

After more than a decade on the radio, Jack Lepiarz left his safe job as a well-known news anchor in Boston to become a full time circus performer.

“…Being on stage since I was six years old, it has made me very comfortable with things not necessarily going according to plan and things going awry…and so when I was a reporter for WBUR, I basically became our breaking news guy…if you need someone to go…and be ready to talk live without a script…I was good at that…I’m also able to stay calm when things don’t go according to plan…everything has gone wrong in my show up to, and including me setting myself on fire…”

Meet Jack, read more of his story, and follow his tour schedule at jackthewhipper.com

#liveyourbestlifepodcast #liveyourbestlifewithlizbrunner https://lizbrunner.com/live-your-best-life/
Be the first to know of new episodes by subscribing to this show on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. And, if you enjoy this episode or any previous episodes, be sure to give us a star rating and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Have a guest idea or want to learn more about Brunner Communications? Contact us at info@LizBrunner.com
For more:
Twitter: @lizbrunner
Instagram: @lizbrunner

Ann Dowsett Johnston

An award-winning journalist and best-selling author who went back to college in her 60s to become a psychotherapist, Ann Dowsett Johnston is writing her next chapter with authenticity and raw honesty. But that’s only a piece of her story. She also outed herself to the world as a recovering alcoholic after years of feeling like a failure despite outward success.

“…It wasn’t until I wrote my book, ‘Drink’where I felt like the most ‘Ann’ I’ve ever felt…the truth of the matter is, I wanted my book to be a secret friend to anyone, any woman, who wasn’t willing to say she had a drinking problem…”

You can get to know Ann, her book, “Drink” and more at anndowsettjohnston.com

#liveyourbestlifepodcast #liveyourbestlifewithlizbrunner


If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at info@LizBrunner.com

Mike Essrig & Larry Pollack

What do a reconstructive cosmetic surgeon and an earthquake construction specialist have in common? Besides being best friends and in their 60s, they are on a mission to inspire and help men over the age of 50 with everything from marriage, divorce to health, exercise, and yes, even sex.

“…We just thought, you know, “I don’t think enough people know about this. Let’s try and bring it to men over 50. And let’s do it in a funny way to draw them in, so that they can learn about what some of the issues are that they’re going through….”

You can learn more about Mike Essrig, Larry Pollack, and their platform, “Manopause” and more at manopause.com

#liveyourbestlifepodcast #liveyourbestlifewithlizbrunner


If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at info@LizBrunner.com

Rhonda Kallman

If you’ve ever had a Sam Adams beer, you may know that it originated in Boston, Massachusetts. But what you may not know is that the woman behind making it a household brand, and a behemoth in the industry, didn’t even drink beer when she co-founded the company. Rhonda Kallman is a whiskey drinker, and today is distilling her own spirits and liquors.

“I knew I wanted to make whiskey, and I knew I wanted to make it here in Boston…the biggest reward for me is when I see consumers try what we make, and their eyes light up and they love it…”

You can learn more about Rhonda’s work at Boston Harbor Distillery at https://shop.bostonharbordistillery.com/pages/about-us

#liveyourbestlifepodcast #liveyourbestlifewithlizbrunner


If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at info@LizBrunner.com

Molly Stillman

“We were not created to be self focused,” says Molly Stillman, but instead to help and to serve others and to bring peace to the world. After a challenging childhood impacted by bullying, emotional struggle and family loss, Molly navigated a series of “next chapters,” from professional golfer to stand up comedian, before finding true joy when she left it all behind. Now a successful blogger and podcaster, Molly seeks to help others live with confidence and happiness.


#liveyourbestlife  lizbrunner.com/live-your-best-life

If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at info@LizBrunner.com.

Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield cut one hour of TV time out of his day – adding up to an extra 365 hours each year.  He used that time to write and build his coaching programs.  Now, an international best-selling author of many books, Jack may be best known for his extensive “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series.  He’s also written  “The Success Principles.”

“I truly believe from my experience of working with hundreds of thousands of people live and millions online that you’re never given a dream without the capacity to make it come true.”

Jack is offering listeners special free access to his 10 Day Transformation Guide. Access your copy here.


If you have a guest idea, or want to learn more about Brunner Communications, contact Liz at info@LizBrunner.com.

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